Latin courses offered - Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata by Hans Ørberg
Latin courses offered
Beginners I-II
This course is designed for students who have had very little or no exposure to Latin. By reading Familia Romana and interacting with the teacher in Latin, students will gain a firm grasp of the basics of Latin grammar and acquire an elementary vocabulary. Among other topics, they will learn the first two declensions of Latin nouns (and adjectives inflecting in the same way), a range of different types of pronoun, the main syntactic functions of cases, the uses of the main prepositions, the present indicative, present imperative, and some irregular verbs.
Pre-intermediate I-II
This course is designed for students who are familiar with the basics of Latin grammar and have an elementary vocabulary; they may also have had some previous exposure to the Active Method. By reading Familia Romana and asking and answering questions in Latin, students will significantly improve their knowledge of both grammar and vocabulary. Among other topics, they will learn the third, fourth and fifth declensions, relative and correlative pronouns, comparatives and superlatives, a selection of irregular verbs, the accusative and infinitive construction, and many uses of cases.
Intermediate I-II
Intermediate I
This course is designed for students who have a working knowledge of Latin grammar and a good range of vocabulary; they may also have had some previous exposure to the Active Method. By reading Familia Romana and speaking in Latin, students will develop both their knowledge of Latin grammar and their reading fluency. Among other topics, they will consolidate all declensions, relative and correlative pronouns, defective and irregular verbs, further uses of cases and prepositions, subjunctives using the present stem, and a variety of simple syntax including the ablative absolute, the accusative and infinitive, and nominatives with infinitive.
Intermediate II
This course is designed for students who have a sound knowledge of Latin grammar and an ample vocabulary but little or no previous exposure to the Active Method. Students may read parts of Familia Romana and/or Roma Aeterna, and also possibly, depending on the pace of the group, selections from some classical authors. By reading these texts and discussing them in Latin, students will immerse themselves in the language, deepening their understanding of Latin syntax and increasing their confidence as readers of Latin authors. All tenses of the subjunctive using the past stem will be covered, as well as the gerund and all infinitives, participles and the supine.
Advanced I-II
This course is designed for students who, as well as having a sound knowledge of Latin grammar and ample vocabulary, have already been exposed to spoken Latin. The class will read a selection of various classical prose texts on philosophical, historical, rhetorical topics. The course will give students the opportunity to hone their skills, consolidate their Latin morphology, push the boundaries of their knowledge, and become more instinctive, fluent readers.